We just got back from our first carp fishing expedition along the Jordan River this year.
A warm, sunny day with a light breeze, the dogs had fun running up and down the banks, David relaxed with his fishing poles, and I started knitting a blanket for a soon-to-arrive grandbaby (that will make three in six months).
Like unpredictable spring weather, David has been doing a lot of rapid cycling in the last few weeks. Happily, his highs and lows aren't as extreme as they were last month, and he pulls out of them sooner. He doesn't take the zyprexa every day because he doesn't like the way he feels on them. He says he'd rather deal with a little noise in his head, but he's learning to take it when he feels a bad cycle starting, or to help manage his stress when it gets to be overwhelming.
Jeff and Nikki
The river was still in its winter look of browns and grays.
But I found a daffodil bud in my garden yesterday—a welcome sight.
And the spring flower gardens in the plaza where I work have been planted and are now blooming, giving a taste of things to come. We've had some storms lately, but each of them clear up quickly, giving us welcome sunshine.
We're hoping the warmer days with more light will be welcome help in managing his illness.
Family update: Sailor Jeff and Nikki made it home safely. He found a good job doing security work soon after he got back, thanks in large part to his two years of doing ship security for the Nimitz. We're glad to have them home. Soldier Brian is at Airborne school in Georgia, learning how to jump out of airplanes. We're very proud of him. I should also add that I'm glad I don't have to watch him jump! Ben blessed his sweet baby Kylee last week; it was fun to be there and then visit with him and his family afterward. We also had a baby shower for our youngest daughter, Katie, who is due with her first baby sometime in the next few weeks.
I had a case of writer's block, but finally worked through it. Finishing a story for the magazines about an amazing young man who accomplishes his goals in spite of an intellectual disability helped me put things back in perspective. He said, "I can't read or write, but I can memorize, and be a good example to others." How can he miss with an attitude like that?
Below: Ben's wife, Emily, and Kylee.