We recently spent a delightful week in Idaho with son Brian and his three oldest children: Libby, 11; Eric, 9; and Henry, 8. We enjoyed watching them jump into new activities with gusto: huckleberry picking, fishing, kayaking, horseback riding, a carriage ride, swimming in a hot spring pool, rafting, and even a rodeo. They loved it all! And they learned that moving out of their comfort zones is a good thing. Said Henry: "It's so much better to actually be doing something rather than just watching it."
Fascinated with the horses! |
Huckleberry picking! |
Horseback riding! |
Rafting on the Salmon River! |
So it is with life. We are made to move, to work, to create, to grow, and to accomplish good things. And when we do, rest and relaxation feels so good! I feel better emotionally and physically and mentally when I'm busy, and so does David. I can tell where his mood is by how active he is.
This summer has been difficult to get much done, in part because of the heat (I had no idea it could be so energy-zapping! It's my first summer not working in an air-conditioned office), and also because he has needed to rest and recover. He watches a lot of tv, and it's so easy to get caught up in what's on the screen!
But it's a new season, and I have more energy!
There are some things we do that have been great, including regular exercise. We go to the neighborhood recreation center in the mornings; David works out in a weight room and I go to water aerobics. I've noticed the benefit of the vigorous exercise with increased energy levels, flexibility, and strength. I even lost a few pounds! But I have to work at it. Those benefits don't come from just watching; they come from actually doing.
Update on David:
This has been the summer of health issues for David.
In February 2019, David had shoulder surgery. He had been hurting for several months, and when he went to the doctor, discovered he had a torn ligament, a rotor cuff tear, and arthritis in his right shoulder. He came through the surgery well, and has, for the most part, been following doctor's orders, but it still hurts on occasion! Hopefully, time will continue to heal his shoulder. Not long after his surgery, he took a misstep and pulled a hamstring in his leg! Fortunately, that one healed without much trouble, except for pain in walking.
Then, on June 27, he was sitting in his chair when he started feeling off. When he tried to get up, his legs were like wet noodles! He had a headache and his words were blurry. That didn't worry me much because that happens quite often. I thought it was a bipolar episode, but when he couldn't walk, we decided he needed to go to the emergency room.
It's a good thing we did! When they saw him stagger into the room, they took charge and stabilized him immediately. After some tests, they said he had had a mild stroke. Because it was still in the early stages, they gave him some serious anti-clotting medicine and transported him to another hospital where they have a neurology center.
Gratefully, the meds did their job, and David recovered without complications. After a day in the hospital with more tests that didn't show any problems, he was released. He has worked diligently at recovering: not overdoing it, lots of naps, taking his meds, and exercising sensibly.
We went to the neurologist to learn more about David's stroke. The doctor confirmed that David had a stroke that affected his motor skills. And surprisingly, that there was scar tissue that indicated a heart attack at some point within the last few years. We're not sure when that happened, we're just glad it wasn't a bad one. And I am so grateful that I was home when his stroke happened.
The doctor was happy with David's progress and told him that the reason he recovered so well is because a) he got the "magic shot" in time, and b) he is physically fit.
My question is when is he having a bipolar episode and when is his heart bothering him? So far, there aren't many answers, and I need to spend time learning more about heart disease.
Update on the Family
We now have two high school graduates this year!
Lara's son, Alex, graduated and is headed to Dixie College in St. George, Utah.
Jon's daughter, Jenna, graduated with honors, along with a new pilot's license! She is going to an aviation school with a plan in place to become a airline pilot.
We are proud of them!
We realized that of our 24 grandchildren, half of them are now teenagers or young adults. Where did the time go?!